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The Garden in Eden: Parallels in the Temple, New Jersualem, and the Ancient Near East

 I am starting my new Bible research project! Here is a preview of what I will be covering. I am not releasing anything for a while so I can focus on the research itself. I may release a little nugget once in a while! I will be covering a lot!  The Garden in Eden: Parallels in the Temple, New Jerusalem and the Ancient Near East Part 1: The Importance of Seeing Eden in Context 1.      The Study of Comparisons 2.     What is Sacred Space? 3.    Creation as a Temple Part 2: Eden’s Temple 4.     The Location of Eden 1: Eastern Mesopotamia? 5.     The Location of Eden 2: Armenia? 6.      The Location of Eden 3: Jerusalem? 7.     Eden’s Mountain 8.     The Four Rivers of Eden – The Laver and the River of Life 9.     Ark of the Covenant – The Holy of Holies - the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil 10 Menorah – Tree of Life 11   Are the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge one tree? 12   Table of Showbread – YHWH’s Shekinah 13   The Altar – Abel and Cain’s Al
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